Kitesurfing Cruises in Sardinia Kite Safaris

Kitesurfing has become an increasingly popular sport and pastime in recent years, attracting adventurous individuals from around the world who are drawn to the thrill and challenge of riding the wind across open water. One of the top destinations for kitesurfing enthusiasts is the island of Sardinia, located off the southern coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. Sardinia’s stunning coastline, with its crystal-clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and dramatic cliffs, provides an idyllic setting for kitesurfing. The consistent trade winds that blow across the island make it an excellent location for the sport, offering kitesurfers the opportunity to catch powerful gusts and perform aerial maneuvers. To cater to the growing demand for kitesurfing experiences in Sardinia, a number of specialized tour operators have established “Kitesurfing Cruises” and “Kite Safaris” that allow participants to explore the island’s most renowned kitesurfing spots from the comfort of a boat. These excursions provide a unique and exciting way for kitesurfers to discover Sardinia’s coastline while indulging in […]


Kitesurfing Cruises in Greece Kite Safaris

Greece is renowned for its idyllic islands, crystal-clear waters, and the strong, consistent Meltemi winds that make it a prime destination for kitesurfing cruises. These unique adventures allow kiteboarders to explore the breathtaking Cyclades archipelago while indulging in their passion for the sport. The Cyclades, a group of over 220 islands located southeast of Athens, offer a myriad of hidden coves, turquoise bays, and secluded beaches that serve as perfect playgrounds for kitesurfing during the summer months of June through September. This period coincides with the Meltemi, a dry northerly wind that blows steadily across the Aegean Sea, providing ideal conditions for kiting with wind speeds ranging from 25 to 40 knots. Kite safaris in Greece typically involve embarking on a luxurious catamaran for a week-long voyage, exploring the best kitesurfing spots across multiple islands. The itinerary is flexible, allowing the crew to adjust the route based on wind conditions and seek out the most favorable locations for kiting sessions, lessons, and coaching In This Article…1 In aNutshell…2 The experience of a kitesurf Cruise in Greece3 Itinerary and Destinations of […]


Itinerary of the Best Christmas Markets Tour in Europe

Christmas markets are starting to become very popular in the world and especially in Europe in the past decades. Even though they have been around since the middle ages, their popularity has exploded in recent years, and nowadays most big cities around central Europe will take advantage of the November and December months to try and boost tourism with a Christmas market. Since they are kind of easy to set up, requiring only a few huts and serving a variety of 10 different foods, every city can easily set them up. However, they can get as complex as they want to push them, and some Christmas markets are absolutely phenomenal to visit.  In This Article…1 The Tour of central European Christmas markets2 The Hamburg Christmas Market3 The Berlin Christmas Market4 Dresden Christmas Markets5 The Prague Christmas Market6 The Cesky Krumlov Christmas Market7 The Pilsen Christmas Market8 The Karlovy Vary Christmas Market9 The Nuremberg Christmas Market10 The Rothenburg Christmas Market11 The Cologne Christmas Markets12 Pin to […]


My DIY Vanlife Build: Giving Myself New Tools to Explore the World in a Different Way

Many people have asked me over the years, what I would do once I reach my final 195th country of the world and check off this incredible journey I spent the last 20 years to accomplish. “What’s next” have they asked me repeatedly. “Well, I will just do it again, just differently” would I simply reply. As you may have heard before, “traveling is all about the Journey, not about the destination”. And it was time to build a new style of travel to keep the journey as interesting as possible. Once I reached my final country visited in August 2021 and after the release of my memoir Globetrotter, I was ready to undertake my exploration of the world in a totally new way and in many different forms. One project that I had on my bucket list for years, was to explore the beauties of Europe in more detail, in every corner. Europe contains an infinite number of villages that deserve to be explored! […]


Visiting Venice… Again, and Again !

This is a city that I keep coming back to. In fact, if there is one city in the world that I cannot get tiered of, and keep coming back for a stroll around, it definitely has to be Venice! Could I live in Venice? Definitely not… way too touristy. Is it the most beautiful city in the world? It might as well be! It is like a man made natural wonderland, a Disneyland for the eye, something that would be impossible to intentionally recreate nowadays where fake plastic amusement parks are the only thing we seem to be creating. In This Article…1 A photographers paradise2 Gelatos, non stop3 The secret how to go to Venice?4 Conclusions5 Venice in Pictures A photographers paradise I must have been to Venice over 7 to 8 times if I can recall correctly. Each time it is like rediscovering it for the first time. I can do it for a few hours, and then I leave back to the […]


Piran, the Slovenian Jewel of the Adriatic Sea

Piran, also known as Pirano, it’s Italian name, shines as one of my favorite and most beautiful city on the Adriatic coast! After visiting Rovinj and choosing it as the most beautiful city of Croatia in a previous article, Piran is toe to toe with Rovinj, probably even more beautiful! No wonder Slovenia kept this tiny opening coast to the sea where Piran is located as part of their territory.   In This Article…1 An example of Italian Gothic Architecture2 Best 2 Days Itinerary in Piran3 Top 10 Things to do in Piran4 Top Rated and Recommended Cafes in Piran5 Top Rated and Recommended Restaurants in Piran6 Piran In Pictures7 Pin to Pinterest An example of Italian Gothic Architecture Piran is actually very small, just about 5000 inhabitants, but definitely boosts that amount to several thousand more during the peak summer season when all the tourists are around. Its reputation is quickly gaining some momentum and soon this tiny little town will be on everybody’s itinerary […]


What to do in a Few Days around Porec in Croatia?

After Rovinj, this is the other favorite for tourists looking for Beach and Sun in Croatia. Although Porec is a nice little medieval town, when speaking of Porec it is usually referred to as an area that stretches 37 km along it’s coast from north to south where several beach resorts are entirely devoted to mass tourism. Although Porec is still not as internationally famous as Dubrovnik and the Dalmatian coast, it isn’t a secret for Italians which flood the area every season and count for the vast majority of tourists seen, followed by a smaller proportion of Germans. In This Article…1 A Coast designed for Mass Tourism2 One of the best-preserved example of Byzantine Art3 Best 2 Days Itinerary in Porec4 Top 10 Things to do in Porec5 Top Rated and Recommended Cafes in Porec6 Top Rated and Recommended Restaurants in Porec7 Porec In Pictures8 Pin to Pinterest A Coast designed for Mass Tourism The town of Porec is actually pretty small, measuring only […]


Visiting The Magical Istrian Mountain Towns in Croatia

Though the Istrian Coast gather much of the fame for its pristine blue seas and beautiful Venetian towns, another side of Istria should not be missed while visiting the area. The Istrian interior, a mixture of rolling hills, fertile plains and pine forests with medieval hilltop villages is just as impressive and interesting, making a day or two visit an ideal way to gasp in the experience! If you are the kind of person who gets enchanted by Toscany style Plaines, the Istrian Interior is sure to impress you just as much.  In This Article…1 Vineyard-dotted Hills and Medieval Towns2 Best 2 Days Itinerary in the Istrian Interior3 Top 6 Things to do in the Istrian Interior4 Top Rated and Recommended Cafes in the Istrian Interior5 Top Rated and Recommended Restaurants in the Istrian Interior6 The Istrian Interior In Pictures7 Pin to Pinterest Vineyard-dotted Hills and Medieval Towns The pace definitly slows down from the buzzing tourist lifestyle of the coast, but that’s actually a good […]


Rovinj Wins the Title of my Favorite City in Croatia

I’ve travelled extensively throughout Croatia over the years as it is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. I keep coming back because I never get tired of the blue Adriatic Sea, Venetian fortified towns along the coast, the food, the people, etc… And to win the title of the most beautiful city in Croatia is a hard one to designate. Rovinj is just a masterpiece, like few there are in Europe! I can imagine Dubrovnik being this nice before tourism destroyed it, so be quick to come and experience it before Hollywood comes before you, followed by the masses! In This Article…1 All the beauty of Istria in one single Venitian Town2 Best 2 Days Itinerary in Rovinj3 Top 10 Things to do in Rovinj4 Top Rated and Recommended Cafes in Rovinj5 Top Rated and Recommended Restaurants in Rovinj6 Rovinj In Pictures7 Pin to Pinterest All the beauty of Istria in one single Venitian Town Istria has been under Italian […]


3 days in Pula, Epicenter of Istria in Croatia

So many people rush to Rome to see the Romain Arena without knowing that such constructions can be found in so many other places, and such places include tiny little Pula, a city in the Istrian Peninsula in Croatia of only 90 000 people. Apart from the beachgoers coming for the Croatian sun every summer, the impressive Romain arena gets little attention to what it deserves. It is actually one of the best preserved Roman amphitheatres in the world.  In This Article…1 A Romain Capital with “Italian influenced” Croatia2 Best 2 Days Itinerary in Pula3 Top 10 Things to do in Pula4 Top Rated and Recommended Cafes in Pula5 Top Rated and Recommended Restaurants in Pula6 Pula In Pictures7 Pin to Pinterest A Romain Capital with “Italian influenced” Croatia Arriving in Istria from Dalmatia or the Zagreb Area will be somewhat of a shock. Pula, the biggest city in Istria and eighth in the country, definitely has an Italian flavour left from its past. In […]