Announcing my 2nd Book: The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips

Here it is! My second book! And it’s called The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips. It was just launched worldwide this September 2021 and available on several platforms, in paperback and ebook format. Why so soon after just launching my first book Globetrotter, you might ask? Well simply because it comes hand in hand with Globetrotter! It’s more of a “How to” guide book, detailing ultimate tips and advice one could learn from experiencing 17 years living on the road and reaching all the countries in the world, half of a lifetime around the globe non-stop.

I must admit, I saw it coming… And it happened! But I was prepared… When I first planned to write my memoir Globetrotter after reaching the 195/195 country milestone, I knew the book’s genre wouldn’t appeal to everybody. It is a biographical memoir, and in a memoir, we recount the story of a life experience, almost in a literal fictitious narrative. The writing style goes into details, sometimes emotionally very explicit, in order to stay real to true events. I am very happy with the result and my hard work paid off by receiving Amazon Best Seller in 4 Categories

But I was conscious that some people would be looking more at the practical side of what almost 20 years on the road living as a digital nomad can bring, what such an experience could have taught me, and how they can benefit from it and accomplish it themselves. I wasn’t going to fall into theoretical explanatory facts and opinions of how to travel better in my own memoir. It wasn’t the place and time… 

This is where “The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips” comes in! To serve an area where Globetrotter couldn’t reach alone, to please those wanting to pick up the fruits without needing to go through the story of how the tree went from a seed to the full grown and magnificent mass it is today. It is an all you can eat, spoon fed delivery of my best advice life has taught me through my own trial and error on this epic adventure!

It is in the non-fiction genre, and was written to please those curious minds about what I can teach them from my accomplishments. Actually, both books compliment each other, one being more of a narrative piece, the other more of a practical and theoretical guide. Along with the translation of Globetrotter in 4 languages in an attempt to reach as many people of the world as possible, a non-fiction practical book like “The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips” was the best way to reach those preferring shortcuts and wanting the “easy fix” straight in their hands.

Reaching #1 Amazon Best Seller in 8 categories

The reception was truly unexpected… On launch day, the book quickly gained momentum and struck the Best Seller Status that very same night! A few days later, several other categories won the honors of #1 Best Seller on, and by the second week, “The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips” was #1 Best seller in 8 of its 10 categories! It has even reached the top 50 best selling travel books on US! I wouldn’t have imagined my own book ranking alongside travel classics such as “Into the wild” and “Into thin air” by Jon Krakauer. You will agree, this is one hell of an accomplishment, even surpassing the amazing ranks scored by Globetrotter. This proves to me that, although Globetrotter is my main project that I am most proud of, which is much longer and required over 10 times more work to produce, people nowadays are maybe more interested in hard facts and quick shortcuts, unless probably if the biographical work is by a famous person. Who knows, maybe Globetrotter will gather fame over time, but as of now, “The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips” seems on its way to stick as one of the most “popular” travel books on the US even more than Globetrotter.

Links Where you can get your Copy 

Amazon (Paper and ebook):

Kobo (ebook):

Apple Store (ebook):

Google (ebook):

Barnes & Nobles (ebook):


To all future globetrotters! Learn the secrets of traveling the world through this spoon-fed, all-you-can-eat collection of the best travel tips and hacks compiled by the world’s most traveled man, Ian Boudreault. Commonly known by his blogger name “The Digital Globetrotter,” Ian has spent more than half of his life as a full-time digital nomad—almost 20 uninterrupted years on the road as a pioneer digital nomad. The young Canadian committed to sharing his most innovative travel tips learned on the road once he finished his international travels. He has now fulfilled his promise, revealing to the world his most sought-after travel secrets in this book.

The author of the acclaimed book Globetrotter, Ian, shares with us The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips, a collection of the absolute best tricks to get anyone from zero to hero—from complete travel novice to full-blown digital nomad! These easy-to-follow hacks can help guide your travel decisions and counter-attack the untold schemes that try to squeeze as much money out of you as possible in the travel industry. 

Learning these travel tips from the world’s most traveled man is sure to help future generations of hopeful travelers eager to jump aboard the ever-growing nomad community around the world. And as the pioneer digital nomad for two decades, Ian’s invaluable insight on the best methods to succeed as a full-time globetrotter will enlighten even those hesitant about the sustainability of a nomadic lifestyle.

Bonus in this limited edition: build your own itinerary with my map guides! Includes seven in-depth destination analyses with maps comparing every country of the world on different aspects, including best digital nomad destinations, best food destinations, most historically rich destinations, most friendly nations, most beautiful regions in the world, and the most challenging countries to reach. An invaluable resource to start planning your next destinations right away!

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