выход новой книги: Человек мира - Первый в своём роде цифровой кочевник и самый путешествующий человек на земле

Презентация книги: Человек мира! – Ян Будро рассказывает о своих 17-летних гастролях, когда он посещает все страны мира.

Вот! В конце! Вы не представляете, как я счастлив объявить об этом. Наконец-то я могу открыть миру свою драгоценную маленькую концепцию, над которой я так усердно работала! Через год после выхода моей оригинальной книги GLOBETROTTER, оригинальной английской версии, ставшей бестселлером на английском и французском языках, теперь выходит Человек мира. Что такое Глобтротер? Простыми словами, это мои воспоминания. 17 лет, проведенных в скитаниях по миру, жизни без остановок в чемодане, в 230 странах, включая каждую из 195 стран, признанных Организацией Объединенных Наций… Я должен был увенчать эту важную веху чем-то большим, и книга была как раз тем, что мне было нужно. поделиться частичкой того, чем я жил все эти годы. Но зачем останавливаться только на одном… Я решил собрать команду из десятков редакторов и переводчиков, чтобы вместе выпустить книгу на 5 языках. Вот так! Много работы, но с таким количеством свободного времени во время самоизоляции, я думаю, мы можем сказать, что это было хорошее время, чтобы потратить бесконечные часы на редактирование. I уже выпущен на английском, […]


Announcing my 2nd Book: The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips

Here it is! My second book! And it’s called The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips. It was just launched worldwide this September 2021 and available on several platforms, in paperback and ebook format. Why so soon after just launching my first book Globetrotter, you might ask? Well simply because it comes hand in hand with Globetrotter! It’s more of a “How to” guide book, detailing ultimate tips and advice one could learn from experiencing 17 years living on the road and reaching all the countries in the world, half of a lifetime around the globe non-stop. I must admit, I saw it coming… And it happened! But I was prepared… When I first planned to write my memoir Globetrotter after reaching the 195/195 country milestone, I knew the book’s genre wouldn’t appeal to everybody. It is a biographical memoir, and in a memoir, we recount the story of a life experience, almost in a literal fictitious narrative. The writing style goes into […]


¡Lanzamiento del libro: TROTAMUNDOS! – Ian Boudreault cuenta sus 17 años en la carretera mientras visita todos los países del mundo

¡Aquí está! ¡Al final! No tienen idea de lo feliz que estoy de anunciarlo. ¡Por fin puedo revelar al mundo mi pequeña y preciosa concepción en la que he estado trabajando tan duro! Un mes después del lanzamiento de mi Best-seller GLOBETROTTER, la versión original en inglés, ahora llega Trotamundos. Este es para ustedes, al mundo latino. Se lo debia a todos, después de todo el tiempo maravilloso que he pasado dentro de sus países, definitivamente lo que considero mi parte preferida del mundo! Siempre digo que tengo una parte de mi corazón que es latina. Y este libro fue escrito pensando en ustedes, para todas las personas maravillosas que he conocido durante el tiempo que me han recibido siempre como invitado privilegiado en sus países. España, México, Colombia, Argentina, Panamá, Chile, Costa Rica, y todos los otros! Por todos esos tiempos increíbles que hemos pasado juntos, se lo agradezco desde el fondo de mi corazón. Esta gratitud está claramente indicada en mi memoir, como […]


How to Find the Best Insurance for Your Travels

Travel Insurance is an essential and important part of travel expenses, yet some people will just ignore it thinking “problems only happen to others”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Leaving on an international trip will require planning and traveling safely is crucial to keep a peace of mind in any event. I have always had travel insurance for pretty much 95% of all my 10+ years on the road, and do not regret it one minute! Most people are lost when dealing with insurance so I will clear things up in this article in details, covering essentially what you need to know to be prepared and see your options of insurance. In This Article…1 Why do I consider myself a good resource to talk about insurance?2 What exactly is travel insurance?3 Why exactly MUST you get yourself insurance?4 My Personal experience.5 How does the Excess (or Premium) work?6 What to Look For in a Good Travel insurance7 Adventure sports exceptions8 Important note about […]


How to Stop Dreaming, Get Set and Start Traveling!

We live in societies where television has converted the population in a massive audience to consume other people’s stories. Movies, TV Shows, Youtube channels and even internet consumption has created this effect of being a spectator. However, when it is about our own lives, we are the main actors and it is our own story that we are building every day. To my eyes, it is not an option to live life behind a screen through others people’s adventures. So consider this: If traveling really is a dream of yours, whatever might be stopping you at the moment, you must stop traveling through other’s stories and become the main actor of your own adventures, no matter what! What is stopping you from doing so right now could be obstacles that seem too hard to overcome for the time being, but the truth is I see very few obstacles that justify not traveling at all. Money is usually a big one for most people before they […]


My Secret to Stay in Shape while Travelling Long-term? Eat Enough Protein

It’s not a secret that long-term traveling takes a toll on our bodies. People leaving on a 1-week holiday won’t see a big difference eating unhealthy for a week because it’s not enough time for the body to suffer from a radical change of eating out. But for long-term travelers, what I have observed for more than 10 years on the road is that women will gain weight, while men slightly lose weight. Girls have been complaining how unfair this is, but my reasoning about all this is pretty simple: The loss of weight in men is due to loss of muscle which causes a decrease in weight, compensating for the gain in weight caused by extra fats gained as much as women. Those who know me for long enough know that I have been health-minded all my life. And being on the road for more than 10 years has had me testing different diets and strategies to keep in the best shape as possible, all […]