Kitesurfing around Canoa Quebrada / Fortím / Parajuru

Pretty amazing area to kitesurf, just south of Fortaleza! Most kitesurfers that visit Ceará, and even locals, will hardly know this little paradise, as they almost exclusively concentrate on the western beaches of Fortaleza! Almost all the literature and information online talk about the western spots, and very few talk about the eastern beaches. But there is definitely something to see around Canoa Quebrada, with great kitesurfing conditions! In This Article…1 Less wind, great conditions!2 Parajuru: The river mouths and lagoon3 Fortím: a future hotspot4 Kiting in Canoa Quebrada5 Video of me kiting in Parajuru6 In photos Less wind, great conditions! It is known that there is less wind east of fortaleza. While this is true, I don’t see it as such an inconvenience if you visit during the season around august to November. If you visit with a Big kite,Ike a 12m, you will be able to kite every day and enjoy this paradisiacal land! Parajuru: The river mouths and lagoon Parajuru has a […]


Tatajuba in North-eastern Brazil: a Kitesurf Paradise

Through my years kitesurfing the world and mostly the long north-eastern coast of Brazil, I’ve got to experience some of the best spots the world has to offer for kitesurfing addicts like me. All of the spots offer all sorts of different interesting attributes but very few offer the whole range of activities available to kitesurfers in one single spot! And this is where Tatajuba shine! No need to kite in different towns, you might have it all in one single place by coming to Tatajuba. In This Article…1 A Stunning and Beautiful Beach to the flavors of Jericoacoara2 How to get to Tatajuba3 The Kite Spot that has it all4 A Growing International Community5 Video of me kiting in Tatajuba A Stunning and Beautiful Beach to the flavors of Jericoacoara Ever since Lonely Planet voted Jericoacoara the best beach in the world in 2014, tourism has flooded the small desertic town into what it is today: a tourism megapolis that has helped it lose […]


Lançamento do livro em Português : O GLOBETROTTER – Ian Boudreault relata quase 20 anos na estrada visitando todos os países do mundo

Finalmente chegou ao Brasil! Depois de se tornar um best-seller da Amazon em todas suas versões em inglês, francês e espanhol. Agora é hora de revelar para o Brasil! Meus pés estavam coçando com a ideia de ter que manter isso em segredo por mais de um ano e meio! Mas com a Covld furiosa em todo o mundo, as fronteiras fechadas, me impedindo de chegar ao meu último país, eu simplesmente não tinha escolha … Avançando para agosto de 2021, com o livro 99% pronto para lançamento, finalmente cheguei ao meu 195º e último país do Mundo, na Líbia. Estou orgulhoso de finalmente poder apresentá-lo ao Brasil, o país que tanto me inspirou em minhas viagens e que se reflete claramente em minhas memórias! Aquilo a que me refiro constantemente, meu país favorito de todos… O que é Globetrotter? Em palavras simples, é meu livro de memórias. 17 anos percorrendo o mundo, vivendo sem parar em uma mala, por 230 países, incluindo cada um […]


On the road again… Three months traveling all over Brazil

It definitely felt like years since I had been on the road, traveling around the world and more recently around Latin America before covid-19 struck. Since then, I had chosen Brazil to spend time while the world crumbled in unreal lockdowns, first in Rio de Janeiro for 3 months, then surfing the Pandemic in Paradise in North-eastern Brazil. That had been a blessing for me and the best choice I could have though of while spending time in quarantine, first on my beach in Cumbuco in the state of Ceará, kitesurfing daily. and then 4 months later, when Brazil started to come back to normal around September, kitesurfing the whole coast of 3 Brazilian states in the Iron Macho Challenge – The “Iron Man of the Seas” – 400 km KiteSurfing Expedition across 3 Brazilian States. That was all so amazing and beautiful. But as the traveler that I am, something was missing. I was missing my lifestyle of jumping from one city to the […]


Surfing the Pandemic in Paradise… Life in a North-Eastern Brazilian town during Covid-19 times

The pandemic has had a devastating effect on the tourism industry around the world and digital nomads have been particularly affected by the events. In an instant, people living on the road had to find shelter and morph into a sedentary lifestyle. In my case, I chose to spend these hard times in my favorite country, even though it was one of the hardest hit by the virus. To keep my moral high, I needed to be near the ocean, connect with nature and surf my days away while waiting for the world to fix itself. What else could I do? I was asked to stay home… Might as well isolate in the ocean on a surfboard riding the waves! In This Article…1 Stuck in South America with borders closed2 Kitesurfing in Cumbuco, Ceara3 Life routine in Ceará during Covid4 Living in paradise!5 The Ocean and Kitesurf were my saviors6 A few selected pictures7 Pin to Pinterest Stuck in South America with borders closed Living […]