Through my years kitesurfing the world and mostly the long north-eastern coast of Brazil, I’ve got to experience some of the best spots the world has to offer for kitesurfing addicts like me. All of the spots offer all sorts of different interesting attributes but very few offer the whole range of activities available to kitesurfers in one single spot! And this is where Tatajuba shine! No need to kite in different towns, you might have it all in one single place by coming to Tatajuba. In This Article…1 A Stunning and Beautiful Beach to the flavors of Jericoacoara2 How to get to Tatajuba3 The Kite Spot that has it all4 A Growing International Community5 Video of me kiting in Tatajuba A Stunning and Beautiful Beach to the flavors of Jericoacoara Ever since Lonely Planet voted Jericoacoara the best beach in the world in 2014, tourism has flooded the small desertic town into what it is today: a tourism megapolis that has helped it lose […]