Kitesurfing in Punta Chame, Panama

Whoever has already attemped to kitesurf in Central America would agree that the consistency of wind on different spots is hard to find. Costa Rica has some nice places around Bahia Salinas, but in my opinion, the best kitespot in all Central America has to be Punta Chame. I have come here repeatedly over the last years while living in Panama, and always found some charme to it. And i am sure I will continue to be part of the kitesurfing community of Punta Chame for a long time! In This Article…1 The Natural Splendor of Punta chame2 About Punta Chame3 The Dance of Wind and Water4 The Kiteboarder’s Sanctuary5 Beyond the Kite6 The Wind’s Promise7 Punta Chame, Your Ode to Freedom8 How to Book your Holiday in Punta Chame, Panama9 Booking Accomodation in Punta Chame Panama10 Kitesurfing Classes in Punta Chame Panama11 When is the best wind season in Panama12 The History of Kitesurfing in Punta Chame13 Overall impression of Punta Chame The Natural […]


Panama under strict lockdown feels weird !

I spent an extensive amount of time in Panama over the past 6 years, a country that I personally love and a great base to come back to as a digital nomad. The country has constantly one of the best yearly growth out of all the Latin American countries, and every time I come back, I am amazed how fast things change, from new restaurants opening and closing to new sky-scrapers popping everywhere! But this time around, arriving in February 2021, amidst the second lockdown the country had imposed, it totally felt like another country. I just couldn’t believe it. Just the ride from the airport was an adventure. The highway is usually packed with horrible traffic, and this time, not a single car could be seen on one of the main highways called “Corredor Sur”. Arriving near my hotel in a Uber, a cop stopped us at gunpoint, confused as to why we had broken the lockdown, all for us to have to explain […]


FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia: A Complete Success

I had the chance this year to take part in my second FIFA World Cup, this time in Russia in June and July 2018. After having participated in the World cup in 2010 in South Africa with a couple friends from Brazil, I decided to buy a ticket for one game and enjoy a few weeks of football celebration with fans of the world in a country that I only ask to spend more time to visit. And this was a great occasion to get a 2 months Visa to visit areas I had wanted to visit for a while. In This Article…1 My Travel Plan in Russia 20182 My Experience3 My impressions of this world cup4 In Pictures5 Pin to Pinterest My Travel Plan in Russia 2018 Actually, there was a plan around all this, and it wasn’t about football. Being Canadian, there is only one sport that I can have passion for: hockey. So as much as I want to like football, it […]


Crossing Panama from East to West: The New King of Central America

So I enjoyed being this summer in North America to spend some more time in Panama, one of my favorite countries in Latin America and where I spend more and more time these days. This time I teamed up with a good friend of mine Daniel to travel from Panama City all the way to the Western Volcano of Baru in the Chiriqui State. Panamá has evolved a lot since I first came here 11 years ago. At the time, most tourists were only talking about Costa Rica and Panama was hardly named even after Guatemala. With rapid expansion as a hub, impressive growth, and very welcoming laws for expats, the country is seen by many as the top interest in Central America and have been one of the main retirement hideouts for expats worldwide. Panama City which was not so long ago a fishing village with dangerous neighborhoods has transformed into a massive metropolis with it’s skyscrapers all over the coast, the “Dubai of […]