Visiting Venice… Again, and Again !

This is a city that I keep coming back to. In fact, if there is one city in the world that I cannot get tiered of, and keep coming back for a stroll around, it definitely has to be Venice! Could I live in Venice? Definitely not… way too touristy. Is it the most beautiful city in the world? It might as well be! It is like a man made natural wonderland, a Disneyland for the eye, something that would be impossible to intentionally recreate nowadays where fake plastic amusement parks are the only thing we seem to be creating. In This Article…1 A photographers paradise2 Gelatos, non stop3 The secret how to go to Venice?4 Conclusions5 Venice in Pictures A photographers paradise I must have been to Venice over 7 to 8 times if I can recall correctly. Each time it is like rediscovering it for the first time. I can do it for a few hours, and then I leave back to the […]


World Map of The Most Beautiful Countries, Through The Eyes of a Man Who Visited Them All

This is part of my series about maps of the world where I compare each country I have visited in different categories. The point of this analysis is that after having visited almost all the countries (173/196) I believe I have finally acquired the experience and the credibility to be able to put them side by side and give an honest comparison. Of course, many of them are personal views following my personal tastes and is only a generalization. But since I get so many questions all the time about “what is my favorite country, for this, for that, for everything… “ I decided to represent my results graphically for people to get a better understanding of my opinion. The world is truly a marvelous place! And humans are truly an amazing species! It is pretty incredible what human intelligence and creativity have been able to do in different places in the world, under different climates, different geography, and different beliefs. This creativity has resulted […]