What’s Best Between Cruising the Upper Danube vs Cruising the Lower Danube? A Complete Danube Cruising Guide.

Both the Upper Danube and the Lower Danube have their own unique attractions, so the “best” one really depends on what you’re interested in. The Upper Danube is known for its picturesque landscapes, historic cities, and cultural sites. It flows through countries like Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary. Highlights include the historic city of Regensburg in Germany, the beautiful Wachau Valley in Austria, and the vibrant cities of Budapest in Hungary and Bratislava in Slovakia. The Lower Danube, on the other hand, flows through countries like Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine before emptying into the Black Sea. This part of the river is less developed and offers a more off-the-beaten-path experience. Highlights include the Iron Gates gorge between Serbia and Romania, the ancient city of Vidin in Bulgaria, and the Danube Delta in Romania, which is a biosphere reserve and a haven for birdwatching. So, if you’re more interested in well-known cultural and historic sites, the Upper Danube might be more appealing. If […]